<span class="vcard">Global Vision</span>
Global Vision

Sunday Worship Service – Afraid of the LORD 여호와를 두려워하라 (2 Samuel 6: 1-15 사무엘하 6: 1-15) – KOR, CHN

Title:여호와를 두려워하라 Afraid of the LORD Bible: 사무엘하 6: 1-15(개역개정) 2 Samuel 6:1-15 Preach: Rev. James KooChinese Translation: Pastor Chang Ahn Dec 3, 2022 3 …

Sunday Worship Service – Let us find favor in the sight of my lord. Genesis 47: 23-31 – Korean, Chinese

Title:주의 목전에서 은혜를 입게 하소서 Let us find favor in the sight of my lord.Bible: 창세기 47: 23-31(개역개정) Genesis 47: 23-31 Preach: Rev. James KooChinese …

Sunday Worship Service – 어찌하여 악으로 선을 갚느냐 Why have you repaid evil for good? Bible: 창세기 44: 1-13(개역개정) Genesis 44:1-13 – Korean, Chinese

Title:어찌하여 악으로 선을 갚느냐 Why have you repaid evil for good?Bible: 창세기 44: 1-13(개역개정) Genesis 44:1-13 Preach: Rev. James KooChinese Translation: Pastor Chang Ahn Nov …

Sunday Worship Service – 가서 우리를 위하여 사오라 그리하면 우리가 죽지 아니하리라 Go there and buy some for us, so we do not die – 창세기 42: 1-15 Genesis 42: 1-15 (Korean, Chinese)

Title:가서 우리를 위하여 사오라 그리하면 우리가 죽지 아니하리라.Go there and buy some for us, so we do not die.Bible: 창세기 42: 1-15(개역개정) Genesis 42:1-15Preach: Rev. …